Category «Travel Modeling»

The Promises and Pitfalls of OD Table Estimation from Ground Counts

Estimating origin-destination (OD) tables from ground counts can be controversial.  In many cases the number of variables of the estimation problem greatly exceeds the number of data points.  This means that additional information must be gotten from somewhere, and the quality of that information is often suspect. QRS II contains many different methods for performing …

Convergence Criteria for Equilibrium Traffic Assignments

If you are reading this article you probably know something about equilibrium traffic assignment and how it is done in at least one travel forecasting package.  Traditional methods of equilibrium traffic assignment, say Frank-Wolfe decomposition and MSA (method of successive averages) found in wide use around the world, converge to an equilibrium solution rather slowly. …

Reliability in Path Building

There is an idea floating around the transportation planning community that drivers are sensitive to the variability in travel time when choosing their routes. This idea suggests that drivers will tend to avoid short routes where the travel times are unpredictable and may instead choose longer routes where the travel times are consistent from day …