QRS II and GNE (Windows 8, 10, 11) are available from:
AJH Associates
4845 N. Newhall St.
Milwaukee, WI 53217
E-mail: ajh.associates@att.net
QRS II 9 64bit is a free download from this site. All we ask is that you provide your name and e-mail address so we can update you with bug fixes and other critical information. We will not give your contact information to third parties.
You should download and install both QRS II and GNE.
Please report any problems to AJH Associates.
People new to QRS II might want to review the blog post: Things QRS II Newbies Must Know.
Windows 8, 10, and 11 users should make sure to always set the “reports” and “temporary” folders in QRS II to something outside the Program Files folder.
QRS II no longer requires a serial number.